Pension risk transfer
Group annuity certificate holder

Who is F&G?

As a provider of insurance solutions for life and retirement, F&G products have protected nearly 900,000 people across the United States. Since entering into the pension risk transfer (PRT) space, we've covered more than over 27,000 lives with a PRT group annuity.

As of Q1 2022

Learn about F&G's strength, size, leaders and more below.

Get to know F&G

What is a pension risk transfer (PRT) transaction?

A pension risk transfer (PRT) transaction occurs when a company transfers to F&G its obligation of making its employees’ defined benefit pension plan payments.

There will be no changes to the annuity benefits you accrued as a result of this transition. Retirees receiving a monthly annuity payment will have no change in that amount. Depending on withholding elections, there may be a small change to net payments.

You don’t need to take any action to prepare for the transition. You’re eligible for the same benefits or annuity payments, as applicable, through the annuity contract.

Connect with customer service at the PRT support page below.

Access PRT support
Or call us toll-free: 1.833.418.1940

Get answers to common PRT questions

Pension risk transfer transactions may come with some questions. We're here to help you find answers and feel good about your group annuity certificate.

tab closedtab openWhat is happening to my pension benefit?

Your company purchased a group annuity contract from F&G, and we will now make defined benefit plan payments to you.

tab closedtab openWhat’s changing?

We are now responsible for making payments to you based on the group annuity contract.

You can access your account on our F&G PRT Portal.

tab closedtab openWill there be any changes to when I receive my pension checks?

If you get your payments by mail, checks are mailed out 4 days ahead of your payment due date.

If you get your payments by direct deposit, payment will be in your account on your payment due date.

tab closedtab openWhen will I receive my group annuity certificate?

You should receive your group annuity certificate about 6 months after you receive your first payment from F&G.

“F&G” is the marketing name for Fidelity & Guaranty Life Insurance Company issuing insurance in the United States outside of New York, and, in New York only, Fidelity & Guaranty Life Insurance Company of New York. Each Fidelity & Guaranty Life Insurance Company is solely responsible for its contractual commitments.